19 December 2021

09 December 2021

guidelines for renewal of RPsy & RPm licenses

Re: Guidelines in the Renewal of RPsy & RPm Licenses



1.    Make sure your annual PAP MEMBERSHIP FEE is updated by going to www.portal.ap.org/login then to portal.pap.ph/member/payments and clicking “Old Payment Records”. Updated payment of your membership dues is the main basis for the release of the renewal requirement of PAP Certificate of Good Standing (CoGS) which you will submit to PRC on your assigned renewal date.

2.    Accumulate 15 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Points in the three (3) years prior to your next renewal date (your birthdate). We recommend attending the Annual PAP Conventions which have sure CPD points (compared to other webinars without CPD point where you have to process applying for CPD points yourself with PRC, which may or may not be granted and if granted, PRC will determine the number of points).

3.    Apply for an APPOINTMENT with a PRC Satellite Branch (e.g., PRC Robinson’s Manila) at least SIX (6) MONTHS prior to expiry of your license to avoid being late because your Appointment Date will be determined by the specific PRC Branch depending on the VOLUME of applicants from ALL professions. To do this, you have to REGISTER to PRC via online.prc.gov.ph/Home and fill up the “Application for Professional Identification Card (PIC) Form” where you will be asked to upload a recent (within the last six months) ID PICTURE with white background, with decent attire with COLLAR (without eyeglasses, no shadows, & ears not covered). The output will include your APPOINTMENT DATE (and TIME), VENUE and OR (Official Receipt) number amounting to PHP 450.00.

4.    Apply for CoGS from PAP through membership.cogs@pap.ph by filling-out the google form in this linkhttps://forms.gle/StRxxqHmyjUKoqEP7

where you will upload your scanned or screen shot PRC APPOINTMENT FORM. Emails are preferably sent to PAP during OFFICE HOURS from Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

5.    PAP promises to email your CoGS at most TWO WEEKS before your PRC License Renewal Schedule.

6.    To follow-up, email PAP at follow-up.request@pap.ph and indicate if this is your second, third, fourth, or fifth follow-up on this subject matter.

7.    On the day of your PRC Appointment, bring the following: a hard copy each of your CoGS and PRC Appointment Form, a printed copy of the PAP email letter containing your CoGS, a photocopy of your CPD points certificate/s, and an extra copy of your 2x2 picture (following their online specifications) in case the PRC staff is not satisfied with the one you uploaded. 

8.    Be patient and understanding because PAP is processing so many CoGS but make sure you follow all the above instructions to avoid further delays.

9.    For instructions and announcements pertinent to PAP’s different services, you are enjoined to read postings on the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Inc.  FB page and the PAP website at www.pap.ph.